A first of its kind service that we practically invented!

What keywords do you want to rank for? We connect with the top 20 sites ranking for each of those keywords. We then try to get the mentions and links inserted into those sites that already rank for the keywords in question. We will not reach out to your direct competitors though.

Does this get your attention?

It should. It eliminates the guesswork out of rankings. Ensure higher rankings with link placements in the very same articles that rank on Google right now for your desired keywords!


We have a 70,000 sites-rich database growing steadily.  Our dashboards help you to keep your entire SEO & Content Marketing in sync. LinkArchitechts offers you a chance to reach a wide audience, be mentioned in the right places and get backlinks from the top sites in your niche.

We planned for scalability. So you can easily order, track and manage numerous linkbuilding campaigns through a single account with us. Whether you need one link or one thousand, we have you covered.

1No need to pay any intermediary fees.

2Pay the link insertion cost just for the blogs you want

3No minimum order amount. Order just one insertion or as many as you like.